Gromet's PlazaSelf Bondage Stories

Bondage before Vegas

by rob AKA pierced_m

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© Copyright 2002 - rob AKA pierced_m - Used by permission

Storycodes: sbm; cons; X

Bondage Before Vegas
by rob AKA- pierced_m
Title- Bondage Before Vegas Author- rob AKA- pierced_m E-Mail address-
This is a True Story....


It was a very warm Friday afternoon in June and I was trying to get my chores finished early as I had a little self-bondage planned for later. My Mistress /Wife was getting dressed for work (In Her Correctional Officers Uniform) when I heard the front door being unlocked and in walked Linda. 

Linda is a friend of my Mistress / Wife (Denise) and is also a Correctional Officer. Several months ago I was in some very strict self-bondage and Denise was to be my release person when She got home from work, only Denise got stuck at work due to some type of disturbance and was going to be delayed 4 or 5 hours. To make a long story short Denise called Linda, who came over and saved me from 4 or 5 hours of very painful self-bondage. Since then Denise & Linda have become even better friends and Linda has joined U/us several times playing and has also used me a few times as Her bondage slave. Linda has really thrown Herself into BDSM scene as She has joined different groups in the area and goes to BDSM clubs all the time. She even went and got Her nipples and Clit pierced just like Denise is pierced.

I was in one of my standard stay at home all day outfits which is stretch black nylon pants cut open in the front so my cock & balls hang out. A 3" ball stretcher locked around my balls, a black studded leather "X" chest harness and a 3" leather collar locked on. A 10 oz weight hung from each nipple ring and I had on my 3" platform boots. 

Linda sat down in the living room and I went off to the kitchen to get Her a glass of Ice Tea. As I was coming out of the kitchen Denise was coming down the stairs into the living room and I heard Her say "Hey girl how about a Vegas trip?" As I handed Linda her Ice Tea She said, "That sounds great." Denise looked at me and said, rob, call John (O/our Casino host, Not his real name) and get us a room for tonight, Saturday & Sunday night. I asked Denise if W/we were going to fly or drive to Vegas. The Ladies talked about it for a minute and Denise told me that W/we would be driving this time. 
(THANK GOD, I hate it when W/we fly. Denise always has me leave my cell phone on my belt which sets off the metal detector and then I have to be checked with the hand held wand. They always find my pierced nipples and a couple of times they even found my penis piercings. Normally when I remove everything from my pockets and take off my cell phone my piercings do not set off the walk through detector.) 

I left Denise & Linda in the living room making Las Vegas plan's and went into the office to call John.

(Since my medical retirement & settlement W/we go to Las Vegas between 12 & 18 times a year. I guess you could call U/us "mini high rollers" Enough to be able to call anytime and get O/our rooms, meals, shows, etc Complementary.)

I called John and made the arraignments for a room. When he asked if W/we needed airline tickets and the Limo to pick U/us up, I happily said no W/we are driving this time. John also told me about a Slot Tournament which I had him enter the Ladies in.

I hung up from John and went downstairs and Denise told me that W/we might leave tonight for Las Vegas after they get home from work. I must have had a disappointing look on my face knowing that if W/we were leaving for Vegas right after work I could not play any self-bondage games. Denise looked at me and said "It's OK, you can go ahead and play. We will want to sleep a couple of hours before we go. See you at nine." I kissed them goodbye and told them to be careful as they walked out the door.

I quickly finished my chores and made a light dinner for the Ladies when they got home around 9PM.

I went up to the Dungeon (Extra Bedroom that I converted for bondage use) and began to remove the items that I would need. First I got out the wrist, elbow, thigh and ankle leather locking cuffs. Next I got out my favorite hood, it is heavy leather which laces up the back then heavy leather straps buckle around the hood making it a very strict discipline helmet and the straps all lock on, it has a blindfold which buckles on and a zipper mouth. I laid out a waist belt and penis chastity along with 2 nipple stretchers. (the chastity is a 4" long metal penis tube which is 15/16" dia and held in place by my .00 gauge Frennum piercing) (The nipple stretchers are 7/8" round metal rings that have 3/4" bars running out from the ring. At the top of the bars are half circles on the end. When put on the ring circles the outside of my nipple and then the .02 gauge barbells piercing my nipples are stretched up above the bar and hooked onto the half circles at the top. This stretches my nipples out about 1") And last but not least I get out the electric pez unit and butt plug. 

I look at the clock and see that it is only 5PM and I have some time to kill before I begin. I slip a bondage movie into the VCR to kill some time and decide to put on the nipple stretchers and penis chastity while watching the movie. 




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